Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Medical billing and coding certification exam Cost

SEBRON Medical Billing and Coding Certification Exam - Cost


  • Comprehensive, nationwide certification program for Medical Billing and Coding Specialists
  • Covers ICD-9, ICD-10, CPT and HCPCS
  • Consists of 150 questions subdivided into 4 categories
  • Exam must be passed with a score of 75% or better to be certified
  • Exam fee: $199.95
Medical billing and coding certification exam Cost: $199.95

Saturday, February 13, 2016

5 simple ways to increase online store sales

5 simple ways to increase online store sales

The good news is that online sales are exploding. Now, more than ever, people are opting to go for the online marketplace, instead of a brick and mortar marketplace. Why? Cost and convenience are two of the major issues. However, as an online merchant, capturing that online audience and getting those online customers can be tricky.

Here are 5 simple ways to increase your online store sales:

1. Make good photos. Photos are the key to selling things online. Spend time and effort on making your photos good. White backgrounds are usually the way to go.

2. Tell your story by creating a detailed ABOUT ME page.
People want to know who you are and where you come from. That's what distinguishes you from everyone else on the planet. Your products have a story - make sure to tell a memorable one.

3. Get a Free Trust Seal 
We recommend The trust seals let your customers know your store is safe from viruses. This increases sales and conversions.

4. Promote your online store on Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Wordpress.

5. Don't forget in-person advertising. Carry business cards and tell people you meet in person about your store. Even though the store is online, your customers are real human beings who value personal interaction.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Cost / Pricing of FindLaw Thomson Reuters Website Design for Attorneys

With lawschool behind me, I set out on establishing a private practice in my hometown. Nowadays, your website is pretty much the most important marketing device a young lawyer can have. While asking around, I found out that a lot of law practitioners use Find Law.

Findlaw, a service by Thomson Reuters, seems to be quite popular amongst attorneys and lawyers. It contains most of the things needed in an attorney website, including a well designed front facing page, an about us/contact us page and contact boxes on the front.

However, FindLaw is a very costly service. Here are a summary of costs they quoted me:

FindLaw Pricing:

1) An initial payment of $8,995 that included my own domain name and initial website design.
2) A monthly payment of $1,000

These prices were way above my budget. It turns out, that you can get pretty much everything FindLaw offers for much less. A local friend of mine recommended SEBRON Web Design.
They built me a beautiful website exceeding what FindLaw offers for just $299.95/month.

SEBRON Web Design - Attorney Websites - Just $299.95/month
 and contact form. Tell them Steven sent ya!