ResumeRobin Resume Parser extracts information from resumes

ResumeRobin Shell Connector sends resumes to our partner network systems

Your resume is ditributed throughout our network system.
- You upload the resume into the ResumeRobin.com system
- Your resume file (ie .doc, .pdf) is saved on our server's harddisk.
- Your resume is parsed into two versions: an HTML version and a plain text version, both of which are saved in our database.
- Your resume is entered into the daily feed file, which is later used to upload it into some of our partner network sites (see below).
- The system then starts cycling through the thousands of job boards, career websites and recruiters.
- For job boards and career sites, our system connects to them via two ways: API's or feeds. During an API connection, a direct connection is made with another system (a job board for example). Through an SOAP request, various information such as name, address, email and resume body are transferred from our system to our partner's system. With feeds, a XML feed file is formed every day. This feed file, through its direct URL, is pulled and read daily by our partners.
- For many recruiters, we still use the old email protocol to mail them resumes. Our partner recruiters usually have a specific email address to receive resumes from us. Some of these emails are automatically parsed into their applicant tracking systems.
- Once your resume has been uploaded to our partner network, our system sets a preferred flag on your account, so that your resume comes up on top of related keyword searches when employees search our vast internal database of resumes.
- Recruiters and hiring managers search our system and our partner system for applicants. They find your resume and see your contact information. If they think you are a fit for the position, they contact you via phone, email or any other contact method you've listed in your resume (skype, instant messenger,etc)
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